Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A better tomolo

Well, 2009 is almost towards the end.. I have graduated from intec d... Life in Shah Alam is jz like a dream..The friends here, the life here i thk i will going to put it deep into my heart..Another part of my life is going to be started.. I am wondering how the life is going to be in Oxford City in UK. Issit the life that i chasing for? will i getting use of it? am i going to get new friends?... I am 20 now..20 years had passed.. Looking bek what i went through jz feeling that i was walking inside a dream world with the story tat a gal create herself...Life is short, i thk i should start my life bek..walking out of the dream world that i had being through 20 years and really start my life seriously..this age is the best time to get a life, and is the time to make a strong base for my future...IT IS THE TIME THAT EVERYTHG WILL START FROM BEGINNING....

Do u feel scare? Yes i do..Only one week left and i havent prepare myself enuf...Nvm..let it be..let god decide for me..Well, maybe it end up all like i want..I might take more steps than others to reach the final destination..but it doest mean i wont reach the destination faster than them..I always convinced myself for everythg i do..There are no the word REGRET in my dictionary..When i decide to put down a thg, i will..That mean when i really decided to take a thg, i will do it ! too much

Yesterday meeting kwky at mid..At first chu and me feel so scare...haha..dunno mah..who noes..
But unexpectedly, we jz talk like close friends..Well, he is nice actually..wondering how cum a guy like him couldnt get friends?..LOL...haha..thks for belanjaing us makan too~~

ORPHAN..a veli interesting yet scary movie to watch..HHAAHAHHA..wat turns a human into a person like tat? an 33 years old child looking dwaf killing the family who love her and try to seduce her so call dad??..Well, human desire for smth can be veli scary actually..Then we cum to the mum in the movie??..Do u angry to see someone that u love doest even put a simple trust in u?...He do say I LOVE U...but without trust what is love?At least in the movie MURDERER, the wife trust her husband and die because of the love..Then we move to the little deaf gal inside the movie.. A strong little gal who love her big sister so much at the first place. Listen, helping and love her sister. But end up she see the cruelness of her sister destroying the one she love.. She do everythg to stop it with her little spirit..Do everythg to protect her family although she is so fragile and so tiny..

I thk i am going to close up this blog and start another blog all my friends, pls cherish the one with u now, ur friends, ur families and ur love one..And believe that only with trust , love exist..Love is veli subjektif and abstract thgs and it only feel with human heart..but saying the word i love u bring a really deep meaning(like the movie orphan the dad sayin i love u to the mum , but he didnt trust her ) dun simply say i love u for granted..But u can say..I LOVE MYSELF..hhahahahah

for the hajibala above,i jz wan to write smth to conclude everythg.Bye Malaysia, but i will cum bek one day and continue my story~

Sunday, September 6, 2009

everythg had been settle down. Although that is not what i hope for, but that is what god want for me and i accept it with an open heart.2009 being a tough year for me but i am grateful that everythg was settle peaceful well.What will happen after 10 years, 20 years or 30 years later?

Both, chu and me will together work hard for our SHA SHA da dream..hehe..Well, sometime we must accept and be positive in our life..NTH IS IMPOSSIBLE BE WITH GOD-LUKE 1:37..BELIEVE IT..CHEERS=D

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

21 days left.

今天,la femine 以一句“我们离婚吧”为它的结束。男女主角所追求的幸福到底是什么?还记得“命中注定我爱你”里大师的作品吗?一个以幸福为主题的透明陶器,表达他对幸福的看法。一个成功的艺术家不在于他过人的天分,而是能用艺术表达个人的情感和看法,让作品充满生命,感动世人。

La femine 的部分歌词


Well, instead of reading book and drawing, I choose a more efficient way to improve the way I express – by watching tv^^=p…lol..this Chinese words really take me lots of time to type..dun take it seriously..jz for fun..haha..=p

Monday, July 27, 2009

22 days left

Today after watching the series La Femine, i feel a sudden sadness in my heart..i feel the song of this drama is very true and convey the message of how woman face the life nowadays..i will blog up the lirik of the song tomolo perhaps..

Today is 28th of july..28days had passed. I still have 22 days to relax..Yesterday i start flipped through the book writen by D. k.Ching. The type of art that architecture bring is totally different than the art that i had used throughout two years time..Everything should restart..Just like life. We used to stand up after we fall down when we are kid, now saying goodbye to the word teenager, do we have the courage to stand up after every fall? Faith is wat make us continue our journey..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

veli close to who i am

幽默是金牛的天赋 与一般星座书上描写的金牛们相反,其实金牛座非常具有幽默感。他们天生就有搞笑的才能,善于制造轻松的氛围,不要再将牛牛们认为成是一群僵硬腐化的人,相反他们很可爱。还记得在《满城尽带黄金甲》的发布会场上不断耍宝的金牛发哥吗?他的幽默感绝对令资深娱记也大跌眼镜,人缘好不是随便说说的,金牛座有着宽厚的胸怀。 其实他们有着叛逆的灵魂 金牛基本上看起来都是乖孩子,仿佛脚踏实地,固执老实,但是,谁曾想到,其实他们的内心都有着一个小邪魔在作祟?他们虽然是一板一眼的生活,但是在他们的内心里却喜欢着调皮的恶作剧。不要金牛们想象的太沉闷,他们其实内心五彩斑斓,而且特别钟意制造出各种人生的小小乐趣。也正是这样叛逆的灵魂,让有些金牛让人吃惊。所以,一般的容貌姣好的乖乖女,或者一般人理想中的文静男,其实,都不属于金牛的鉴赏范围,他们总会奇异的喜欢些标新立异的人。这点在金牛男上表现的较为突出,也因此而衍生出不少瓶女和牛男的佳话吧。 思考是金牛的具象 在贪图享乐的外表下,金牛有一颗哲学家的心。他们看问题的方法与众不同,他们有着唯物主义的思考逻辑,不会轻易人云亦云,也正因为如此,他们让人觉得固执非常。 但是千万不要因为固执就否认金牛们的智慧,有马克思,列宁,康德……为证,金牛们完整的理性思维往往能建立严密体系,只是有时候他们太容易钻牛角尖!不过即使是钻牛角尖的牛牛也具有鲜明的个人特质,李敖就是这类金牛的代表:) 务实的人生不需要浪漫武装 跟牛牛生活是一件比较乏味的事情,如果你钟爱浪漫的仪式。 因为牛牛无论金钱或者生活,他们都踏着务实的步伐。他们不会轻易说我爱你,他们不会随便送花,他们甚至不记得你的生日,更别提情人节等什么形而上的各种纪念日,这让人大为光火。因为没有了形式的爱情,又怎么能证明是爱情呢? 但是,金牛们会告诉你,其实有时候真正的帮助其实好过鲜花香水,有时候挺身而出的担当其实胜过所有的甜言蜜语。所以金牛们的爱情,也许让人闷到感觉不出火花,但是,在贫乏的爱的表象下,却藏着他们深刻的滴水不漏而且日久弥坚的关怀。 享乐人生的信仰 金牛们懂得生活。他们虽然很执著,但是该放弃的时候,他们并没有太多犹豫。从利益出发考量的方式,让他们在现实生活中相当的如鱼得水,而懂得平衡自己的贪念,而追求物质的享受和一心的宁静,是金牛座中的极品。这样的金牛能够在逆境中坦然,在顺境中懂得顺应。他们有着预见性的智慧,使人生得到完整的规划。在适当的时候寻求闲适,所以金牛座很少有面临困境无法自拔的困兽,他们相当的懂得自我调节和生活。他们有着自己的节奏。 能够轻松生活的智者 金牛们在星座排行中表现一般,但是其实他们都很出色,金牛座的孩子往往是班干部,金牛座的爸爸妈妈都是模范爸妈,他们在生活中尽职尽责,富有责任感,虽然有时候稍嫌古板,但是正是他们撑起了所谓规矩的框架。 严肃生活认真思考却有能享有生活乐趣的金牛们其实非常可爱,当然,如果他们不那么市侩,那就更好了

Monday, July 20, 2009

another day of relaxing life

i wake up from sleep about 9 smth this morning..cuming out from my bedroom straight heading towards find food ..well wat for breakfast this morning?

well its is bread and a kind of very thin pombian..i like to eat thin thin pombian , veli thin diameter around 10 cm...thick thick butter ..watever jiu si le la..and saw the uncook vege and fish on the least my mum prepare smth for me to cook later...if not like end up with mess and look like jz after war...haha..=p..

watching a singapore series now....the series is about three couple having family of their own...while watching series while typping this ....haa..well i cant sit there and watch entirely ..later fall asleep again..=p

i remember my dream laz nite..wake up and laugh myself..i went to this sort of local sushi restaurant..and find no nice food there..inside the dream i keep chasing and finding the cao siu i like to eat...lalala..lame dream....but funny....

yesterday nite i read a book written by a junior from my ex school...from the book i wan to give this sentences to a friend of mine .对待幸福不可太紧张,太用力,有时要保持一定的距离,这样幸福才能握在手中and wish her happi always....

and i want to scold another friend of mine..she ask me to blog da..and now also she havent update her blog..=p....u noe i say who la..hahah..lalala...



Saturday, July 18, 2009

nth to do life

Well, i had spent almost 2 to 3 weeks at home doing nth..Suddenly feel that a life a purpose was so empty ..i am by days..but still veli mao dun...haih...fear to think wat is waiting for me in future....
Thking bek of my two year life in intec, knowing a lot of friends and have best gang of friends who are having the same dream- to be an architect and having the same thking ,appreciate the differences of each person , we appreciate and be proud of our thking and personality ..tat is how we make 26 of us so difference from other course students..Well, nth happen much in this two years, a few conflicts happened between my coursemate in the first two sem...but now it all settle well..We nid sumtime to get use in any situations..forgive and forget..then everythg will be fine very soon.Well thking bek of my " previous " life, wat i wan to say is to be positif in watever happen to us..Make every negatif events in our life a learn and grown up..=p...hehe..i not used to write too much..but since nth to do..why not?..haha=p ^^
